Chula Vista Resort videos are available by clicking on the home page.

The Chula Vista Resort has completed a $200 million dollar expansion. The expansion included the indoor and outdoor water parks, condo development,
dining options, outdoor wave pool, sports complex, etc.. The amenities are available by renting condo 22050 or 22430.

Contact us for discounted Wisconsin Dells Condo rental rates lower than the rates available through the Chula Vista Resort! You can only get the discounted rates by contacting us directly. We own two of the Wisconsin Dells Condos available for rent at the Chula Vista Resort and Water Park.

Outside view of water park
Resort spa services available
Condo lobby
View of Wisconsin River
River side view of condos
View of dining options
Wisconsin River riverwalk
Sports Complex - Wisconsin Dells Center
View of golf course
Wedding/convention space
Outdoor hot tub!
Outdoor Wave Pool


From I-94, East or West

Take I-94 to Exit 87 at Wisconsin Dells.
After you cross the Wisconsin River bridge, the first stop light is River
Road. Turn left onto River Road.
At the “Y” in the road, stay left.
Chula Vista is 3 miles north on River Road.

From the East

Go to the intersections of Hwys 16, 23 and 13.
Go north on 13 for 3 miles
Turn left at the Rest Area on Golden Court.
Turn onto River Road.
Chula Vista’s main entrance is on the right.

Ready to learn more about the Wisconsin Dells, WI area?

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